Green Energy
My Infidel Life - Infidel Babes Of The Week

Went out to Sushi with the guys last night. Had a big Sapporo, and then another. Then, we headed over to a local cigar bar and I bought a big, fat stogie, which I proceeded to smoke as we walked the college party town streets where I live.
We ended up in a bar which celebrates all the storied history of rock n' roll in our beautiful town. There, of course, we proceeded to drink dark beers, and Grand Mariniers, and whatever the hot waitress suggested.
Watched the beautiful, young girls dancing. I'm so glad chicks like to dance, because I like watching them.
Ah, I love the Infidel life.
THE INFIDEL BLOGGERS ALLIANCE RADIO SHOW And now, coming to you live from an Infidel paramilitary compound, somewhere in the no-man's land of the American Southwest, it's the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show ... ... where we rock, roll, and...
Jihadi Beefcake Of The Week
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Hunk Of The Week : Good Friday Special
That's right, Jim Caviezel. He's got the appeal and the infidel credibility as well. Not only is he a devoted Christian, but he also played Jesus Himself in The Passion, reenacting some of the key events in the life of Jesus that are denied by...
Infidel Babes Spotted At London's Free Expression Rally
We just have to note that there were some serious Infidel Babes at the rally yesterday. I spotted these over at Nordish Blog. It gets me hot when chicks carry Freedom Of Speech signs. I'm guessing I'm not alone in this. Right guys?...
Infidel Babe Of The Week ...
Beyonce Knowles. I don't think it would be possible to wrap this babes ass in a burqa. The damned thing would catch on fire. As Von Schlichtningen says, Beyonce is "horribly, horribly infidel. It would go against all human rights to show her to a...
Green Energy