Green Energy
NY Dem Files Bill To Mandate Gun Owners Carry Million Dollar Liability Insurance
Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit noted this is the equivalent of the Jim Crow laws which denied black people the right to vote based upon their failure to pass a test.
He's right.
Here's why: The right to vote is codified by the U.S. Constitution as being a basic right for ALL U.S. citizens. Stripping a person of that Right through the application of State and local laws designed to preclude certain classes of people from exercising their basic Right is against the Constitution.
This is just as true with Guns as it is with the Right to Vote.
As it says in the Second Amendment: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."
There are no ifs, ands, or buts here. No means no.
My prediction is, if this passes, it will not hold up when it goes to the Supreme Court, as it would effectively deny poor people the Right to Bear Arms.
But, why is it that our Courts are only motivated by Special Interest Groups on issues like this? Clearly, the Constitution is not interested in Special Interest Groups at all in it's clear, comprehensive, and absolute articulation of the 2nd Amendment.
Our President and his lackeys are trying to subvert our Constitution. As far as I am concerned they are treasonous bastards, and they ought to be in prison for the rest of their lives.
From the
Examiner:A bill was introduced in the State Assembly by Felix Ortiz (D-Brooklyn) that would require citizens of New York to acquire liability insurance as a condition to gun ownership.
Bill S2353 will require all gun owners in NY to obtain and “continuously maintain” insurance coverage of at least $1 million, or they will suffer “immediate revocation of such owner’s registration, license and any other privilege to own” a firearm.
If the citizen fails to obtain the insurance, then by simply owning the firearm, they will be in violation of the law.
This bill was introduced by Assemblyman Ortiz as an amendment to the current NY State Insurance Law.
Specifically, the bill’s provisions include:
“Any person in this state who shall own a firearm shall, prior to such ownership, obtain and continuously maintain a policy of liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars specifically covering any damages resulting from any negligent or willful acts involving the use of such firearm while it is owned by such person”
Keep reading…
Weasel Zippers notes, if this sounds familiar it’s because California Democrats are trying to do the same thing.
And, our Pansy-pants President has exposed himself completely, having the White House release a photograph of him putting his signature to a letter proclaiming "No Guns":

To hell with Barack Obama.
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