Green Energy
Storm Track Intimidation: There Just Ain’t No Justice for Women in Islam 6/8

For your everyday terrorist, it’s good to have the support of your mission by your woman.
But that support goes only so far.
You see, those woman who hold the ideology of al-Qaeda are good enough for slavery but not good enough to kill for their enslavement of a 7th century religion.
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
Storm Track Intimidation: Islamic Law Gets Two For One
Now, no woman driver jokes here. But this is too funny. JEDDAH: Police arrested a 20-year-old woman after the car she was driving in was involved in several accidents. The car belonged to the woman’s male friend, who had asked her to wait in the car...
The ‘charming’ Burka
I really don’t know what to make of this or how the 7th century civilization of Islam will deal with a 21st century invention. Women who would rather not wear a burqa can now slip around it electronically. Well, that’s the idea. Muslim men can not...
Winds Of War: The Informed American Voter
So here we are. On the cusp of one of the most important elections this country has seen in a long time. We are at war with a virulent ideology that seeks to kill you, me our families and friends and fellow Americans and we need now, more than ever, an...
Storm Track Infiltration: Al Qaeda’s Ups The Ante On The Internet
It wasn’t enough that al Qaeda used the Internet to spread their propaganda far and wide and teach terrorist the tricks of the trade. Now al Qaeda has gone one step further. Command & Control. Read the rest at The Gathering Storm. ...
Winds Of War: Rumsfeld Confirms Gathering Storm Blog -"we Are In A Gathering Storm"
OK. So he probably didn’t refer to my blog for his quote. Like myself, he’s and admirer of Winston Churchill. But Rumfeld is correct. He says: Churchill’s phrase about the gathering storm - there was a storm gathering, but there were people in...
Green Energy