Green Energy
Winds of War: The Informed American Voter

So here we are. On the cusp of one of the most important elections this country has seen in a long time. We are at war with a virulent ideology that seeks to kill you, me our families and friends and fellow Americans and we need now, more than ever, an informed and educated populous.
Unfortunately, in that regard, it doesn’t look good. Try not to gag on your coffee.
Read the rest at
The Gathering Storm.
Storm Track Intimidation: There Just Ain’t No Justice For Women In Islam 6/8
For your everyday terrorist, it’s good to have the support of your mission by your woman. But that support goes only so far. You see, those woman who hold the ideology of al-Qaeda are good enough for slavery but not good enough to kill for their enslavement...
Storm Track Appeasement: Elections Canada Folds Under Sharia Law
The 'faceless voting' position of the dhimmis at the Elections Canada has undermined electoral integrity and equality before the ballot box. The new policy of Elections Canada allows Muslim women to wear identity-concealing face veils, including...
Winds Of War: How The War Against Islamism Will Last 70 Years – And They Win
UK Home Secretary John Reid, Newt Gingrich, and the Pentagon have all chimed in over the last few months stating that the misnamed ‘war on terror’ will last a generation or so. To quote Gingrich: Americans must steel themselves for a long and...
Winds Of War: Democrats End Terrorist Disenfranchisement
From The Gathering Storm OK. Shoot me but I couldn’t pass up this opinion column by Doug Powers. I usually don’t go into name calling in my blog but his piece really hits home. Here are the highlights. Enjoy.Everybody knows that there are more Democrats...
Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West
Read the review here: If there’s a documentary that you need to purchase and invite all of your friends and neighbors over to watch, it’s Obsession: Radical Islam’s War against the West, a new film from ... in the first segment...
Green Energy