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So last week we had the story of Syria passing to Hizballah it's Nork produced, Iran purchased SCUD-D missiles which unlike other SCUDs from the past ..
- have a 50% greater range placing all of Israel under that threat
- have a CEP (circular error probability...ie accuracy) of 50 meters
Because perhaps, WEIGHT OF TNT WON'T MATTER?
Or maybe imagine a container vessel 400 miles into the Atlantic in the shipping lanes off Cape Hatteras....
Hizbullah could tip its rocket arsenal with Iranian-supplied nuclear warheads, a report said.The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies stated that Iran could supply its proxies with tactical nuclear warheads. In a report, BESA said Iran was likely to use its nuclear arsenal to wage what the report termed "nuclear terrorism against Israel."
"The potential means of conducting nuclear terrorism against Israel would be similar to those applicable to other countries -- sea, air, and land-based -- with one important addition: rockets," the report, authored by former deputy Israel National Security Advisor Chuck Freilich, said. "Rockets, such as those already in Hizbullah's possession, could be fitted with nuclear warheads."
"Rockets, such as those already in Hizbullah's possession, could be fitted with nuclear warheads."
Israel has asserted that Hizbullah accumulated a missile and rocket arsenal of 50,000. The report, titled "The Armageddon Scenario: Israel and the Threat of Nuclear Terrorism," said Israel must prepare immediately for Iranian-sponsored nuclear attacks by Hizbullah or other proxies of Teheran, including Hamas.
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Continue reading Uh, excuse me Mr's. Gates and Obama : Report: Hizbullah could fit its rockets with tactical nuclear warheads.