Hitler’s Mein Kampf Hits Amazon's Bestseller List, LA Times makes excuses
Green Energy

Hitler’s Mein Kampf Hits Amazon's Bestseller List, LA Times makes excuses

Go read the post at  Pamela Geller:

- Hitler’s Mein Kampf Hits Amazon's Bestseller List, La Times Makes Excuses
Go read the post at  Pamela Geller: ...

Virtual Book Burning: Amazon Submits to Sharia Law in EuropeFrom Doug Ross' Journal:An alert reader of Germany's Politically Incorrect -- relayed by Gates of Vienna -- observes that Amazon appears to have deleted Geert Wilder's...

- "my Jihad" Contest
Actually, the New York Times article is about a Koran memorization contest but imagine if this were 1938 and the Times was reporting on a contest to impress the Fuehrer with memorization of Mein Kampf (i.e. My Jihad.) Would the article report with wonderment...

- Mein Kampf In Dar Al Islam
We've all read the reports of Hitler's Mein Kampf being a best-selling book in various Middle Eastern countries. I must admit that though I know the major themes, I have not read the entire book. I know, as do we all for the most part, that Churchill...

- The Arabic Mein Kampf
I'm posting this graphic as a follow-up to my "Mein Kampf~Koran" posts from a couple weeks ago. This is yet another graphic reminder of who our enemies are and what they stand for. Bottom line? Mein Kampf = Koran...

Green Energy
