Green Energy
Hitler’s Mein Kampf Hits Amazon's Bestseller List, LA Times makes excuses
Go read the post at Pamela Geller:
Hitler’s Mein Kampf Hits Amazon's Bestseller List, La Times Makes Excuses
Go read the post at Pamela Geller: ...
Virtual Book Burning: Amazon Submits to Sharia Law in EuropeFrom Doug Ross' Journal:An alert reader of Germany's Politically Incorrect -- relayed by Gates of Vienna -- observes that Amazon appears to have deleted Geert Wilder's...
"my Jihad" Contest
Actually, the New York Times article is about a Koran memorization contest but imagine if this were 1938 and the Times was reporting on a contest to impress the Fuehrer with memorization of Mein Kampf (i.e. My Jihad.) Would the article report with wonderment...
Mein Kampf In Dar Al Islam
We've all read the reports of Hitler's Mein Kampf being a best-selling book in various Middle Eastern countries. I must admit that though I know the major themes, I have not read the entire book. I know, as do we all for the most part, that Churchill...
The Arabic Mein Kampf
I'm posting this graphic as a follow-up to my "Mein Kampf~Koran" posts from a couple weeks ago. This is yet another graphic reminder of who our enemies are and what they stand for. Bottom line? Mein Kampf = Koran...
Green Energy