Green Energy
Winds of War: Why the Religious Right May Support Pro-Abortion Candidates

The main issue of the religious right has always been the abortion issue.
If a Republican candidate did not toe the line on this he or she could not expect to win that block of votes. But that may be changing.
Will religious right vote for an abortion rights candidate? Yes if he or she supports the war on terror. At last month’s Values Voter Summit in Washington, conservative Christian power-broker Gary Bauer sent an email to evangelical voters. Among the usual issues of opposition to "abortion-on-demand" and the preservation of traditional marriage there was a new take on the preservation of family values.
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
Trump Believes Abortion Should Be Banned And There "should Be Some Form Of Punishment" For Women Who Have Abortions
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Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee Considers "christian Militants" A Threat To Us Govt
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Obama Congratulates Kenya for Passing Pro-Sharia, Obama-Backed ConstitutionFrom Life Site:WASHINGTON, DC, August 6, 2010 ( - On Thursday, President Obama praised Kenya for approving a controversial new constitution that liberalizes abortion...
When 'progressive' Columnists Take Hyperpartisan Positions Over Three Mass Murderers In Order To Justify Rds...
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Today, The New Democratic Majority Will Self Identify..moveon, Or Center,kos Or Bull Moose
Murtha or Hoyer in a secret ballot. Who was elected last week, and who leads? Here is the elected... a self identifying pic: “A lifetime of Hoosier values, a southwest Indiana native, Brad Ellsworth knows faith and family comes first… Opposes abortion,...
Green Energy